Bridge Over Troubled Water
(A Tribute to Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel)
Standing on this bank, staring into the sun
She is on the other side; lose I can none
Between us flows the river, wide & deep
Fear that I may have lost out, blood doth seep
So near & yet so far, our final destination seems
Submerged in quiet waters, are troubles beyond dreams
Chained by dissolute reality, she silently weeps
Unable to let any know, how her yearnings creep
Lost are we to find strength, so enchantingly emancipating
Cross the bridge separating us, and become one in being
Let’s tear the harnesses apart; our love they do thwart
Undo shackles of human bondage that dare to keep us apart
Running towards one another, our arms spread wide open
Craving for that divine embrace, and then remain soulfully solemn
Prepared we must be, to be slain by a barrage of poisonous arrows
Let loose upon us by brigand soldiers of a debauched tomorrow
Should it come to it, we can share a last, passionate kiss
Hug tight & jump down into the raging waves of enormity
Meander along hardships of life, like just another ignoble tryst
For we are destined to meet with the sun, and merge into eternity
: Written by Time Traveler
PS: To listen to ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ by Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel, click on link below or copy/paste it into your browser